四川省隆昌海燕橡胶有限公司,始建于一九八三年,从事再生橡胶研发与生产已二十多年,公司座落在素有“川东门户”之称的隆昌县城。成渝铁路,川云公路,成渝高速公路,隆纳高速公路交汇在此,交通十分便利。 公司是西部地区较大的生产再生胶基地,中国橡胶工业协会废橡胶综合利用分会会员。公司占地80亩,员工600名,拥有各类技术人员60名,技术力量雄厚,设备精良,检测手段,并且有的质保体系。并已通过ISO9001:2008质量体系认证以及ISO14001:2004环境管理体系认证现。具备年产30000吨“金象”牌再生胶能力。 公司坚持以人为本,科技兴企,以团结务实,追求卓越的企业精神,为客户提供良好的服务和产品升级机会,“让用户永远满意”是我们追求的目标。 Sichuang Longchang Haiyan Rubber Co.,LTD,was established on 1983.From than it has been specializing in developing and manufacturing reclaimed rubber for twenty years.It is located in Longchang County Seat,which is known as a gate in the east Sichuan Province.As for important lines that meet on the county,there are Chengdu-Chongping Railway,Sichuan-Yun`an Highway,Chengdu-Chengdu-Chongping Expressway,Longchang-Naxi Exprssway.So it has the edvantage of transportation. The corporation is the largest production base of the reclaimed rubber in the west China,and also it is the member of the Reclaimed Rubber Branch of China Rubber Industry Society.I toccupies an area of 80 mu and has 600 stuff members including 60 technicians, with great technique strength, nice equipments,integrated test instrument and credible quality assuring system.It has passed authentication of ISO9001:2008 and ISO14001:2004 System. It can produce 30000 treclaimed rubber of "JIN XIANG" brand every year. The corporation insist on putting human above everything else and succeeding the corporation by science